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The Digipreneur pan ASANTE KOFI EMMANUEL

Livres électroniques téléchargeables gratuitement pour téléphone The Digipreneur  (Litterature Francaise) 9798215147023 par ASANTE KOFI EMMANUEL

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  • The Digipreneur
  • Format: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9798215147023
  • Editeur: WMG Publishing
  • Date de parution: 2022

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Livres électroniques téléchargeables gratuitement pour téléphone The Digipreneur (Litterature Francaise) 9798215147023 par ASANTE KOFI EMMANUEL


Imagine waking up every day with the freedom to decide where you want to travel to and how much you want to work the next week. Imagine making six-figures a MONTH, rather than a YEAR just from a side hustle you created. Well, what if I told you you could be making $2, 000 extra each month within 30 days?You'd think I was some kind of scam artist, right? I've read over 100 books on making money online, starting a side hustle and freelancing in the last two years alone.
I've also interviewed dozens of experts who agreed to speak to me about the topic and how they got to where they are today. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have some magic ability for getting people to make money online and start working remotely. It's just that I know one thing lots of other people don't and that is HOW TO START A SIDE HUSLE PROPERLY! It's all about MINDSET, SKILLSET AND THE RIGHT CHANNEL. Top freelancers, remote workers and location independent entrepreneurs are willing to take risks, learn new skills, and sell solutions that customers really want.
They don't care if they have credentials. They don't care if they've done this before. They don't even care if they have the necessary skills (yet). The bottom line?They shift their frame of mind away from themselves and concentrate on what people out in the market are saying they want. Online business is booming but most people have no idea on how to tap into the powerful profits available in this area.
In this short, powerful book, I will show you  ways you can start a profitable online business or Better yet a profitable side hustle. Each of these online business ideas can be implemented in a day or less making it possible for you to make easy money online, quickly!

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